Resources Just for You: July Edition

August 09, 2017

By Seed Psychology in Resources, Social Media

Below is a list of articles, videos and other content curated specifically for you that were shared on our Facebook page last month.

Video: To raise brave girls, encourage adventure
Gutsy girls grow up to be brave women. Encourage adventure and inspire confidence.

Video: Power of Positivity
An inspiring lesson on the power of words.

Article: Why We Should Have More Meaningful Conversations
Dig deeper than your normal small talk. Meaningful conversation plays a bigger role in our lives than we think.

Article: 5 Reasons People Panic (And Why We Should Avoid It)
It’s important to understand ‘panic’ and where it comes from in order to deal with it. Check out this article for a few ideas on why someone might experience it. If you need to talk with someone about how panic is affecting your life, give us a call to schedule an appointment at (03) 9388 8113.

Check out this six minute TED talk on the exciting new science of investigating brain patterns, and the possibility of building computer models to treat people with ADHD and even those who have lost the ability to communicate.

Did you ever think bad moods could be good for you? They could make us more resilient and play an important part in our lives to help us adapt to different situations.

Video: A better way to talk about love
The way we talk about love shapes how we experience it. This TED Talk speaker shares a way to reframe our words that can be empowering.

Article: The psychology behind why clowns creep us out
Creeped out by clowns? You’re not alone!

Article: Six Science-Based Reasons Why Laughter Is The Best Medicine
What’s the prescription of the week? Laughter. Check out this article to find out scientific reasons on why it benefits the mind and body!


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