Resources Just For You: June Edition

July 11, 2019

By Seed Psychology in Resources

Below is a list of articles and psychology resources we shared on our Facebook page last month.

In case you missed it…

Article: The spotlight effect: how to stop being so self-conscious

The Spotlight Effect: This cognitive bias causes us to think people pay closer attention and remember our mistakes much more than they do. So relax and stop being so self-conscious!

Children develop higher self-esteem when their parents treat them warmly. But they develop lower self-esteem when their parents lavish them with inflated praise.

Self-confidence is just one element in a triad of things that make up our overall “confidence.” Here’s what you can do to boost yours.

Article: Want to improve your life? Just learn to say no

We are used to saying yes to please others but it can be harmful not to be more assertive. And imagine what you can do with all that free time.

Article: Why men are falling in love with self-care 

A new survey suggests that men are becoming more interested in self-care. Psychiatrist Gregory Scott Brown explores the reasons behind this growing trend.

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