Resources Just for You: February Edition

March 07, 2018

By Seed Psychology in Resources, Social Media

Below is a list of articles and psychology resources curated specifically for you that were shared on our Facebook page last month.

Article: Screen-addicted teens are unhappy: A new study finds that more screen time coincides with less happiness in youths
Just like you might have suspected: a new study finds that teens who spend a lot of time in front of screens are less happy when compared to those who used devices for less than an hour per day.

Article: 11 TED Talks for when you feel like you’re not enough
The perfect playlist for reminding yourself that you are enough.

Article: Kindness – society’s golden chain?
All about kindness: what it is, how it affects us, and why it matters.

Article: 7 Signs You’re Parenting Right According to a Clinical Psychologist
A clinical psychologist shares common signs of awesome parenting.

Article: Top 10 Psychological Research Findings 
In the mood to learn something new? Check out some interesting psychological research!

App share: MoodMission
Have you tried a mindfulness app? If so, you know they’re designed to improve mood and focus, help control stress and even help you sleep better. Be sure to check out MoodMission – which does all of that and more! One of our psychologists was on the team that developed MoodMission.

Article: An Age-By-Age Guide to Helping Kids Manage Emotions
“…how we react to our kids’ emotions has an impact on the development of their emotional intelligence.”

Article: Can relationships with fictional characters aid our self development?
Can fictional characters make us better people?

Article: The Truth About Expectations in Relationships
Check out this interesting take on expectations in our relationships and how it could affect our perspective and approach.


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