Bipolar Disorder and Mania

Understanding bipolar disorder and mania

The facts:

  • Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder characterised by abrupt and irregular mood changes
  • Around one in 50 people in Australia will be affected by bipolar disorder in their lives
  • Bipolar is best treated with a dual approach of pharmacological treatments and psychological therapy
  • The psychologists at Seed Psychology can help you understand this complex disorder, monitor your mood and minimise its impact on your life and relationships

What is Bipolar Disorder? 

Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder characterised by abrupt and irregular mood changes, usually including episodes of mania and depression. Though we tend to use the generic term, there is a few subtypes of bipolar disorder with some distinct differences. Bipolar I disorder (BP1) is characterised by at least one manic episode plus major depressive episodes. Bipolar II disorder (BP2) involves at least one depressive episode, accompanied by at least one episode of hypomania.

In addition to these two main subtypes, there are other related mood disorders. Hypomania is a less acute type of mania with less severe symptoms. Cyclothymia is a milder disorder characterised by a series of hypomanic and depressive symptoms that do not meet the threshold for either clinical depression or mania.

Symptoms of manic and depressive episodes

Depressive episodes are associated with general life dissatisfaction, loss of pleasure in usually enjoyable activities, suicidal ideation, lack of energy, difficulty with concentration, insomnia and reduced libido.

Mania is at the opposite end of the mood spectrum from depression. This does not mean it is pleasant or enjoyable. Mania is associated with delusions, racing thoughts, irritability, excessive activity, disregard for consequences, decreased need for sleep, distractibility and agitated, restless movements. In addition to the above symptoms, many people with bipolar disorder also report experiencing psychosis.

People with bipolar disorder may experience distinct phases of mania and depression, or a simultaneous combination of symptoms of both. Some people have stable periods in between cycles, while others swing rapidly between the two states.

Although there is no existing cure, bipolar disorder is treatable, and many people experience vastly improved treatment outcomes. The period of time between cycles tends to decrease, and the risk of suicide increases, when bipolar disorder goes untreated.

Treatment options

Bipolar disorder is a complex mood disorder which usually requires ongoing, lifelong treatment. A multipronged approach of pharmacological treatments as well as talk therapy tends to have the best outcomes. Pharmacological treatments including antipsychotics, antidepressants and other mood stabilisers.

Another treatment that has been found to be effective is circadian rhythm regulation. Disruptions to sleeping patterns have been found to trigger manic episodes, so this is an important aspect of life to regulate. Maintaining regular schedules and routines with little disruption or disturbance is an important preventative measure to stabilise moods and minimise manic and depressive episodes.

How Seed Psychology can help

Psychological treatments also have a crucial role to play in the treatment of bipolar disorder. Effective psychotherapeutic treatments include evidence-based approaches like Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), psychoeducation and family therapy. The highly trained and experienced psychologists at Seed Psychology can help you to understand bipolar disorder and reduce its impact on your life and relationships. We can work with you to learn tools and strategies to monitor your mood and manage the symptoms of the disorder.

Although therapy is typically just one part of the treatment of Bipolar Disorder, it is a crucial one. Therapy can bolster the effectiveness of pharmacological treatments and help treat the underlying causes of mood changes which trigger manic and depressive episodes. Our psychologists can use evidence-based, client-focussed approaches to help you reclaim your mental health and wellbeing.

Contact us now to book an appointment.