Staying Safe During COVID-19
March 16, 2020

To all of our wonderful clients,
As you know, COVID-19 is impacting many lives all over the world, including here in Australia. We sincerely hope that during this challenging and confusing time, you and your loved ones remain in good health and support one another, particularly those who are more vulnerable in our community, such as seniors and people who are immunocompromised.
There are actions we can all take to minimise the spread and impact of COVID-19. Here at Seed Psychology, we are keen to do our bit to reduce anxiety and prevent panic by taking reasonable precautions at the clinic and sharing factual, up-to-date information.
What is Seed Psychology doing to help keep you safe?
To protect the health and wellbeing of our staff and clients, we are fully committed to the Department of Health and Human Services’ (DHHS) recommendations in regard to COVID-19 preventative measures. You can view their guidelines here
With this in mind, we respectfully request that if you meet the following criteria, please contact us on 9388 8113 or
- If you have been in the high-risk countries of mainland China, Iran, Italy and South Korea in the previous 14 days please do not attend Seed Psychology until you have been well for 14 days after leaving those countries.
- This restriction also applies to anyone who has had personal contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 and/or a compatible illness e.g. fever, breathing difficulties, cough.
- We will be providing hand sanitiser on our reception desk for use when you enter Seed Psychology
- Provision of updates on our website
- Posters to be displayed in the waiting room to remind everyone of the importance of handwashing and hygiene
What is Seed asking you to do?
In support of your health and wellbeing we also recommend the following measures when visiting the practice and in the wider community.
- Wash your hands frequently with water and soap
- Avoid contact with anyone with cold or flu-like symptoms
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
- When you cough or sneeze, cover your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or a tissue and dispose of the used tissue immediately
- Stay at home if you feel unwell and seek medical attention if you think you have symptoms of coronavirus
- Avoid touching others, including shaking hands and hugging
- Remain informed about COVID-19 and its risks
Managing anxiety associated with COVID-19
In times of fear and uncertainty, it’s important to keep things in perspective. The Australian Psychological Society has released an information sheet with useful thinking strategies for managing anxiety associated with coronavirus.
“When we are stressed, it is easy to see things as worse than they really are. Rather than imagining the worst-case scenario and worrying about it, ask yourself the following:
- Am I getting ahead of myself, assuming something bad will happen when I really don’t know the outcome? Remind yourself that the number of confirmed cases of coronavirus in Australia is extremely low.
- Am I overestimating how bad the consequences will be? Remember, Illness due to coronavirus infection is usually mild and most people recover without needing specialised treatment
- Am I underestimating my ability to cope? Sometimes thinking about how you would cope, even if the worst were to happen, can help you put things into perspective.”
The full information sheet can be viewed here:
Stay healthy and safe. Be kind to others. We’re in this together.